
MEDIOCRE, that’s the word which has just stuck on my mind…really stuck and can’t get rid of it..a drifter. A constant feeling of being incomplete, of being a heavy thinker, a day dreamer who is not able to walk her talk, who is constantly trying to achieve something to be content. However all endeavours fail, all of those which i thought i can and i could but never dare to. My feet is parallely moving with my life faster than usual, quicker than the beats of the music playing in head, as if I am trying to race, race against what the time, situations, acceptance,someone, a race against unknown without a goal to win but still emerge as a winner. Something’s burning, some fire without smoke, some storm which is becoming wilder by each passing day on a calmer surface. Is it OK to be mediocre and happy or is it ok to surpass happiness to go beyond mediocre ? IT’S COMPLICATED.